Wynn's Home Page
Welcome to Ms. Wynn's Page. I am looking forward to another successful semester. Please read over the general classroom information here. To find course specific information regarding grading policies, course work, and more please click on the link to your class.
Students are expected to follow the school wide classroom norms.
G – get to class and be ready to work before the bell.
R – respect others personal space.
E – engage with others using appropriate language and tone.
A – appropriately use technology under teacher direction.
T – treat yourself, school and personal property with respect.
Tardy Policy:
1st offense is a verbal warning
2nd offense is a phone call home & student owes me 1-3 min after class to make up missed class work.
3 or more tardies – students name will be sent to Mr. Bradshaw for a Lunch detention after every tardy from this point to the end of the triad.
Bathroom Policy:
Bathroom passes are unlimited, students are to go get the pass from my desk and be sure to let me know that they are going. I do not require students to raise their hand and ask permission, I would prefer that they take care of their needs without bringing attention to the matter.
Bathroom passes will be revoked if a student is abusing the policy (e.g. leaving for prolonged periods of time, making loud, distracting noises in the hallways, going more then one time in a period, etc...) and if the student leaves the class without first picking up the pass.
Per school rules bathroom passes are not permitted within the first 15 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes.
Bathroom use and tardies - students coming into my classroom without a pass who were waiting for the restroom are tardy. To avoid tardy issues I ask that my students come to me before class starts, put their stuff down, and let me know that they are going to the restroom. If they are late at that point I do not consider it an unexcused tardy.
Students are expected to follow the school wide classroom norms.
G – get to class and be ready to work before the bell.
R – respect others personal space.
E – engage with others using appropriate language and tone.
A – appropriately use technology under teacher direction.
T – treat yourself, school and personal property with respect.
Tardy Policy:
1st offense is a verbal warning
2nd offense is a phone call home & student owes me 1-3 min after class to make up missed class work.
3 or more tardies – students name will be sent to Mr. Bradshaw for a Lunch detention after every tardy from this point to the end of the triad.
Bathroom Policy:
Bathroom passes are unlimited, students are to go get the pass from my desk and be sure to let me know that they are going. I do not require students to raise their hand and ask permission, I would prefer that they take care of their needs without bringing attention to the matter.
Bathroom passes will be revoked if a student is abusing the policy (e.g. leaving for prolonged periods of time, making loud, distracting noises in the hallways, going more then one time in a period, etc...) and if the student leaves the class without first picking up the pass.
Per school rules bathroom passes are not permitted within the first 15 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes.
Bathroom use and tardies - students coming into my classroom without a pass who were waiting for the restroom are tardy. To avoid tardy issues I ask that my students come to me before class starts, put their stuff down, and let me know that they are going to the restroom. If they are late at that point I do not consider it an unexcused tardy.