Gas Leak Incident

Dear HUSD Valley Schools’ Families and Staff,

We want to inform you we are aware of the gas leak incident that has occurred in San Jacinto that is spreading fumes through our valley. CalFire and SoCal Gas are investigating the issue and have confirmed that none of our schools are in the evacuation area. Local authorities continue to actively manage the situation, and we are closely monitoring updates to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

Please be aware that gas odors, even when not dangerous, can cause physiological reactions such as headaches, nausea, or dizziness. As such, we have taken precautionary measures such as adjusting our HVAC systems so that they do not bring in air from outside into the buildings. Additionally, we are implementing inclement weather procedures which includes limiting outdoor activities at some valley sites.

Student and staff safety is our utmost priority, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely. 

Thank You,
Hemet Unified